Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Life goes on

A brief update:
I finished CH-BOLC. I'm very glad to be done. It was a good experience. I am now looking at getting school done. I should graduate in August of 2010 (LORD Willing).
I was fired and then rehired from my management position. I had to point out to them that they could not fire someone due to National Guard obligations. They are still not happy about it. But I currently have a job.
Connie is doing well, she is still homeschooling JD and seems to be really enjoying it. Good curriculum makes all the difference.
JD is in Kindergarten and enjoying it. He is running at a first grade level. He has proven to be quite energetic with the clippers and has spent quite a bit of time trimming back the bushes. A hard worker. He is preparing for upward bound basketball.
Caleb is still in pre school for his speech. He is doing well. He got to go to arkansas with ms Erin and had a blast.
Nate is nate. He loves to torment his older brothers. But he has a soft heart. kinda hard to put the two together. But he does. He keeps connie VERY busy.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Be careful where you step

Be careful where you step when you run after dark!  
You might end up waiting 4 1/2 months to get to run again.  I ran off a curb wrong and rolled my ankle.  Broke it in two places.  Doc says I am fortunate that I broke it.  I would be still in rehab if I had torn out the side of my foot (which usually happens with this injury).
Well I'm finally back on my feet again.  What a pain in the neck (or foot).  Now I am up running.  Granted it is a bit more difficult with a brace.  But I am running.  I did 3 miles night before last.  Now I have till July 12th to be able to pass my PT test.